Get email notifications from your FTP and SFTP servers

Thu 31 January 2019 | article


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SFTPlus can connect to any STMP servers and deliver emails based on the activity, actions and events triggered by a file transfer.

With SFTPPlus you can configure the list of recipients (with CC and BCC), email subject and email body.

The email notification can be use for FTPS or SFTP server monitoring and reporting, or just for critical failure/error conditions.

For example, you can trigger an email notification, whenever a SFTP file upload fails on your file transfer service. In this way, you can automatically monitor the server for new files and be notified when you got new files which failed to be fully uploaded.

Operation principles

An Email client resource is created inside the SFTPPlus configuration in order to define the STMP server address, port and credentials.

For each type / category of email notifications, create a separate Send as email event handlers.

Each event handler has a set of filters which determined the condition under which the emails are triggered. For example, you can trigger on all file upload to your site, or only on uploads from a certain user.

Multiple event handlers can use a single email client resource to deliver the emails.

Integration with Email Delivery Services

Using the standard STMP protocol, SFTPPlus can send email alerts using any of the cloud based email delivery services.

If your SFTP server is hosted with Azure, you might want to use the Sendgrid service. For FTP servers hosted with Amazon EC2 you might want to use the Amazon SES service.

Note that for Amazon EC2, port 25 is throttled. You should use port 587 instead.

Check our dedicated documentation page to see how to configure email alerts in SFTPPlus.

This resource is written as of SFTPPlus version 3.44.0.

SFTPPlus MFT bewerten

Die in diesem Artikel aufgeführten Funktionen sind nur einige ausgewählte Funktionen aus vielen heute verfügbaren Integrations- und Konfigurationsoptionen. Sprechen Sie mit dem Support-Team über Ihre Anforderungen an die Datenaustausch-Software.

SFTPPlus MFT Server unterstützt FTP, Explizites FTPS, Implizites FTPS, SFTP, SCP, HTTP und HTTPS.

SFTPPlus MFT ist als On-Premise-Lösung erhältlich, die auf Windows, Linux und macOS unterstützt wird.

Es ist auch in der Cloud als Docker-Container, AWS- oder Azure-Instanzen und viele andere Cloud-Anbieter verfügbar.

Fordern Sie mit dem unten stehenden Formular eine Testversion an.

Email Alerts Services That You Should Use image used in this article was created by Amit Agarwal and is licensed under CC BY 2.0 / Cropped from original.