SFTPPlus Release 3.46.0

Mon 11 March 2019 | general release

We are announcing the latest release of SFTPPlus version 3.46.0.

New Features

  • The HTTP/HTTPS file transfer service now supports downloading multiple files at once as a Zip file. [server-side][web-api][http][https] [#5093]
  • It is now possible to set up password expiration for accounts and groups. [server-side][security] [#5146]
  • It is now possible to configure the preferred size of the group in the SSH Diffie-Hellman group key exchange method. [server-side][sftp][scp] [#5205]
  • The file dispatcher event handler now supports the copy action. This will copy the source file to one or more destinations, without removing the source file. [server-side][client-side] [#5210]
  • The file dispatcher event handler now supports the rename action. This will rename the source file (with an atomic move operation) without overwriting an existing file. [server-side][client-side] [#5220]

Defect Fixes

  • An event is now emitted when a file is closed after it was open for reading through the HTTP file transfer service. [server-side][http][https] [#5093]
  • The HTTP/HTTPS file transfer service now responds with 401 Unauthorized for requests made with 100 Continue when no credentials are provided in the request. [server-side][http][https] [#5223]

You can check the full release notes here.